A major reason for the delay of processing your returns is that something is missing and we are unable to file a complete return. If you deliver any information to us after March 8, it is likely that you will receive an extension to October 15. The later your information arrives, the more likely you are to receive an extension. We will make every attempt to complete your returns, but be aware that your tardiness puts you further back in the line.
We accept your documents in person, by US mail, fax or in some cases over the phone. You may e-mail your documents to us at MissingInfo@WallaTax.com, provided you have signed and consented to our current-year Consent to Disclose of Tax Information form. Please ask for a secure link when e-mailing confidential information to us - simply send an email to MissingInfo@WallaTax.com and request your link!
If you are sharing your documents in electronic formats, please provide your files in standard pdf, Microsoft Word or Excel format because we are unable to install additional software to read your files. If possible, please avoid sending cellphone pictures as they are not always clear or easy for us to download.
Please try to deliver all of your missing information to us at the same time.